Earlier this month, it was reported that later this year, Mahindra & Mahindra will introduce an all-new logo. This will be similar to the recent visual identity update by Kia. A reader who wishes to remain anonymous has shared with us what he claims to be the aforementioned new logo from the UV specialist. If true, the new insignia will be a lot less complex than the current version and will simply use the brands initial M inside a square.
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The new logo will make it to all Mahindra cars but unlike what was earlier expected, it won't debut along with the introduction of the Mahindra XUV700. The same has been confirmed through a recent sighting wherein the current Mahindra logo was clearly visible on the rear hatch of the upcoming SUV. It's not unusual for carmakers to indulge in rebranding exercises as it helps them align themselves with the ever-evolving market trends.
Reportedly, Mahindra will be working on establishing a stronger foothold on the SUV market by introducing as many as 12 new models in the time to come. Of course, the highlight of these is the XUV700, which will likely make its public debut on August 15. The carmaker has also been intensively testing the next generation Scorpio, which is expected to launch early next year.
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The Mahindra XUV700 will be positioned above the XUV500 and will not only have a bigger size but will even offer many more features along with more powerful engine options. The new flagship model in the XUV range will make use of the same engines as the Thar, albeit in a higher state of tune. At present, the 2.0-litre mStallion turbo-petrol engine on the Thar outputs 150PS, while the 2.2-litre mHawk oil-burner offers 130PS. Even the transmission options, which include a 6-speed manual and a 6-speed automatic, will be carried over.
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