When will i get the delivery of Tata Punch EV?

Delivery for Tata Punch EV was scheduled from 22nd January 2024 depending upon the pre-booked orders. Delivery of a vehicle totally depends on the waiting peroid and availability of the vehicle in dealership showroom. The waiting period of Tata Punch EV varies in different cities of India depending upon trims and colors. If the waiting period increases, the delivery date of Tata Punch EV can also extend. To know the exact waiting period and delivery date of Tata Punch EV, it is advised to visit nearest Tata cars dealership. It is also possible that they might have Tata Punch EV available in their stock and they can make it available for you without any waiting period. To find the Tata cars dealership located near you or in your nearby city, please click here Tata Punch EV Dealers
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Tata Punch EV Frequently Asked Questions
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- Q. What is the Safety rating (NCAP) of the Tata Punch EV?
- Q. What is the boot space of Tata Punch EV?
- Q. What safety features are available in Tata Punch EV?
- Q. Does Tata Punch EV come with a sunroof option?
- Q. What is the tyre size of Punch EV?
- Q. How many airbags are there in Tata Punch EV?
- Q. What is the ground clearance of Tata Punch EV?
- Q. What is seating capacity of Tata Punch EV?
- Q. How many litre engine oil is used in Tata Punch EV?
- Q. What is the warranty on Tata Punch EV?
Punch EV On Road Price in India
City | On Road Price |
New Delhi | ₹ 10.48 Lakh onwards |
Pune | ₹ 10.48 Lakh onwards |
Mumbai | ₹ 10.48 Lakh onwards |
Kolkata | ₹ 10.48 Lakh onwards |
Ahmedabad | ₹ 10.48 Lakh onwards |
Hyderabad | ₹ 11.37 Lakh onwards |
Chennai | ₹ 10.48 Lakh onwards |
Bangalore | ₹ 10.48 Lakh onwards |
Guwahati | ₹ 10.48 Lakh onwards |
Lucknow | ₹ 10.48 Lakh onwards |