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Top Hilarious Car Slogans That Can Make Your Day!

By:Team 91W
Updated On: June 10, 2020 14:20 IST
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Top Hilarious Car Slogans That Can Make Your Day!

There is no doubt that we encounter a ton of cars on the road with some witty slogans and punchlines slapped on. These lines give an identity to the car if done right and yes, we ain't taking "Dad's Gift" and "Hum Do Hamare Do". The level has turned up guys and we are sure you are going to love them all. Viewers discretion is already advised as you either may get offended with the lines or just rush out to get one printed for your car. As it is a lockdown, we don't advice either of the choices. Now, let's get started with the Hilarious car slogans!

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Don't Even Think About Honking!

We would absolutely not recommend you honking on this car as the sticker says it all. He may not have an actual gun but he can be triggered very easily is what it seems.

Das Auto

This guy here has the potential to become a memer as he has, knowingly or unknowingly, cracked one. Volkswagen carries a tagline which is "Das Auto" which translates in English to "The Car". But he couldn't afford a Volkswagen car, thus auto! This can be a strong motivation to Volkswagen India to bringing the Up hatchback. Are you listening VW?

Hilarious car slogans

Compelling Triangle

This compelling triangle is a must-have and we call him the luckiest guy on this planet. Yes, the choice could have been better though. If you have a mother to pay the downpayment and a lovely wife to pay the EMIs, you have nothing but to just enjoy.

Mafia Chaos Anyone?

There is an array of car insurance options in the market these days but can they stop your car getting hit by someone? No, that isn't the case but here is an exception. If you are insured by the mafia, no one has the courage to hit your car except mafia itself. What's the yearly premium? Contact the mafia dealer near you!

Hilarious car slogans

The Best One Ever

This one is our personal favourite and it is so sarcastic. You shouldn't honk at the owner. Just don't!

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One from Fevicol

The Real Threat

Hilarious car slogans

Grandpa's Road

It's my Grandpa's road as having a dad's road is too mainstream nowadays.

Fast and Furious Ft. Santro

Big Daddy is here Ft. Hyundai Getz

No doubt all the car slogans are witty and hilarious in their own ways. Which one is your favourite? Tell us in comments!


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