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Low Oil Pressure Warning Light On? Check All The Possible Reasons!

By:Nitin Kadian
Updated On: July 28, 2024 22:48 IST
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Low Oil Pressure Warning Light On? Check All The Possible Reasons!

The drop in engine oil pressure in a car is a common phenomenon, which happens due to a variety of reasons. Due to this, the low oil pressure warning light in the instrument console starts glowing, ignoring which might cause faster wear and tear and premature damage of engine components. Modern engines are equipped with complex systems that make the river aware of any issues with the vehicle by indicating it on the instrument console. Low oil pressure light generally notifies the driver that there is some issue with the system of the car.

Low Oil Pressure Warning Light On

Following are the key reasons why the low engine oil pressure warning light starts glowing:-
1. Low level of engine oil  This is obviously the first thing that comes to mind when the low oil pressure warning light pops up. If there isnt enough engine oil present in the vehicle, the oil pump will not be able to generate enough oil pressure to lubricate the engine components.
2. Engine oil of different grade/specification  Each and every car manufacturer does recommend a particular engine oil grade for the engines of the cars it makes. All the engine oils primarily differ on the basis of viscosity, which has to be maintained for proper lubrication. If the viscosity of the engine oil is lower than recommended, it will not be able to flow smoothly, thus showing the drop in oil pressure.

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3. Dirty oil filter  The oil filter primarily is used for keeping the engine oil free of impurities and dirt, in order to facilitate smooth flowing of engine oil. If the oil filter is clogged with such impurities, it will definitely cause a hindrance to the flow of the engine oil, and thus sufficient oil pressure might not generate. The oil filter in a vehicle should be changed regularly
as per the manufacturer's recommended schedule.

4. Engine oil not replaced at right time  The engine oil has to be replaced after a certain period of time or mileage, in order to allow a smooth flow of oil by maintaining its viscosity. If not replaced at the right time, it will wear out the oil gradually, thus reducing its viscosity, which is very important for oil pressure generation.

Low Oil Pressure Warning Light On

5. Faulty oil pump  It is this component that is responsible for the generation of oil pressure for the smooth flow of the engine oil. If this oil pump gets damaged or wears out, it will not be able to perform properly, which will not allow the engine oil to flow in the required amount. Replacing a faulty oil pump can be an expensive affair and may dig a deep hole in your pockets.

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What other reasons can be behind the glowing of low oil pressure warning light? Do let us know in the comments box below. You can join our 91Wheels Auto Enthusiast Telegram group (click via mobile to join) to be a part of interesting automotive discussions. Further, subscribe to our YouTube channel for more such amazing motoring updates.

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