
Main Reasons Responsible For Hardening of Clutch Pedal In A Manual Car

By:Jatin Jhamb
Updated On: August 7, 2023 18:18 IST
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Main Reasons Responsible For Hardening of Clutch Pedal In A Manual Car

The clutch pedal is one of the main components of a manual gearbox equipped car, which distinguishes between manual and automatic cars. If the clutch pedal gets hard while driving, it happens mainly due to excessive wear and tear of transmission components.

While the trend of automatic vehicles is on a rise nowadays, a majority of people still prefer manual transmissions, mostly owing to their pre-conceived notions of ease of driving and low maintenance. But before we go and explain this further, make sure you are a member of our exclusive 91Wheels Telegram group.

The major component which differentiates the manual and automatic cars is the clutch pedal, and if this pedal hardens up, you might have a tough time driving the car due to improper gear shifts.

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Following are the main reasons behind the hardening of the clutch pedal in a manual gearbox equipped car:-

Worn out clutch cable  Connecting the clutch pedal to the linkage of the transmission system, the clutch cable, if broken or too much stretched, will make the clutch pedal hard to engage. If this happens, you will have to put much more force on the pedal to engage and disengage the clutch.

Worn out drive shaft  The drive shaft primarily transfer the rotational energy produced by the engine to the wheels of your car. If the components of the drive shaft wear out after excessive use, it can make the clutch pedal hard whenever it is applied, as it is linked to the clutch pedal.

Worn out pivot ball  The pivot ball is the chief component which is responsible for smoothening of the clutch pedal action. If it wears, the smoothness of the clutch pedal will eventually decrease, thus requiring more force for engaging and disengaging.

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Blockage in the clutch pedal  If there is any component or part stuck between the clutch pedal and floor of your vehicle, it will act as an obstruction responsible for functional operation of engaging and disengaging the clutch. Such component(s) can even cause an obstruction in the brake pedal.

Improper mechanical linkage  The entire clutch system is comprised of a multiple mechanical as well as hydraulic linkages consisting of arms and rods interconnected to each other. If any one of such linkages gets damaged or loosened, the force required for engaging or disengaging of the clutch will not be sufficient, which will eventually harden the clutch pedal.

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  • Main Reasons Responsible For Hardening of Clutch Pedal In A Manual Car