Update on 15/04/2021 - Buying a car with finance is an easy option but what happens when you pay all the loan and want to own the car in your name? Simply, you want to remove the hypothecation of the RC and how do you cancel it? We share all the doubts that occur in the mind of a consumer!
If you are reading this article then chances are that you have already submitted documents at the RTO and completed all the steps required to remove hypothecation from your vehicle. Now, in this article, we tell you how to check the HP removal online. Like removing the hypothecation from the RC of your vehicle which was a tedious task, checking the HP removal online is a much easier process.
Below are the steps which help you smoothen up the process of hypothecation cancellation from your RC

Step 1: For starters, when you filled the payment online, you signed up on the Parivahan website and from there you got an application number. You will need this once you log in your details on the same website.
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Step 2: After entering your details, you will see the tab of know your application status. And there you enter the specific information and click submit. You will receive detailed information on the vehicle and from there you can check if your hypothecation is removed or not. In case, the application status of your vehicle shows in process then you need to wait for a couple of days more to get it completed. The process is taken care of by the government officials and you need to give 30 days or before to get it completed.

Step 3: If in case the status comes to be not processed then there might be an issue with your documents. In that case, you need to contact the registered Regional Transport Office and maybe even visit on further instructions. There is a minimal chance of getting this notification since the officials present at the RTO verifies your documents in the first place only so there is no delay in the process.
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Now, let us tell you the documents necessary for the hypothecation removal from your registration certificate
1. Original Bank No Objection Certificate (NOC)
2. Original Registration Certificate (RC)
3. Original FORM 35 (Two Copies and both have to signed by the bank as well as the owner)
4. Valid Insurance Certificate
5. Two copies of Pollution Under Control Certificate (PUC) - Self Attested
6. Copy of PAN card - Attested
7. Copy of Address Proof Attested (In case your address is different from the mentioned in RC then you may also need FORM 33. It can be availed from the bank too.)
8. Print of the payment receipt made online
9. Appointment receipt for the date selected by the user